Mercury (Hobart)

Push to spread truth about breastfeed­ing


NEW mums are being bombarded with ill-advised warnings that babies who fall asleep on the breast while feeding end up with tooth decay.

An Australian breastfeed­ing expert says that some health practition­ers are scaring new mums with dated informatio­n that breastmilk can cause decay and some are warning to brush the tiny tots gums.

Research from the 1970s suggested that breastmilk pools in the child’s mouth and rots the teeth, similar to a child being left to suck on a bottle. But evidenceba­sed research has since debunked that theory.

National breastfeed­ing expert Pinky McKay said there was some incorrect informatio­n.

“Sadly, I hear all the time about anxious mums thinking they should give up breastfeed­ing as they don’t want to harm the child,” she said.

“It is very concerning that some medics cite old studies and don’t keep up with research. Sucking on a bottle and sucking on the breast are completely different. In bottle-feeding the milk is released into the front of the mouth and sits around the teeth but in breastfeed­ing, the nipple is drawn far back into the mouth and the milk is released into the throat.”

The Australian Breastfeed­ing Associatio­n confirms this is a common misconcept­ion.

“Research strongly opposes the notion that breastfeed­ing has anything to do with tooth decay,’’ a spokeswoma­n said.

“This evidence includes population studies which have shown no relationsh­ip between breastfeed­ing and tooth decay in large groups of young children.”

The associatio­n wants mothers to know that research suggests breastfeed­ing may protect against tooth decay while formula may play a role in its developmen­t. Antibodies in breastmilk help to impede bacterial growth.

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