Mercury (Hobart)

An attack on the common man


- Sue Maher Rocky Cape Mike Bazan Acton Park Tony Mulder Howrah Tim Last New Norfolk Danny Carney Moonah Tony Geeves Rosetta

POLITICIAN­S from the major parties are clearly concerned there is a person talking about the genuine concerns held by local people about the impact of irresponsi­ble fishing practices on the North-West Coast. The policy of relocating thousands of seals has put at risk the livelihood­s of local fishermen and the lifestyle we would hope to leave our children in the future.

Proposals for huge corporate salmon farms will only make this worse by devastatin­g the spawning grounds for the sea life that actually belong in this region. Perhaps a person who is actually representi­ng the interests of ordinary people has the politician­s worried their true allegiance to corporate interests is being exposed.

The attacks on the good character of independen­t candidate for Braddon Craig Garland is a classic example of trying to distract attention from the important things he has to say. The Liberal Party must be worried people are listening to Garland. They have no credible response to the concerns he has raised. They don’t like the message, so they attack the messenger. This is the sort of appalling tactic that is making people lose faith in our politician­s and our democratic system. It also shows how out of touch these people are.

Like many on the North-West Coast, I am proud to say I know Craig Garland and I can to attest to his good character. He is a man who respects women and to suggest otherwise is simply wrong.

The mudslinger

IT’S times like these I question what Senator Eric Abetz does. He emerges quickly whenever someone mentions “green” or “union”, and seems overly fond of being outraged. This Braddon by-election however sees Senator Abetz in his element, throwing muck and ignoring the real issues.

At it again

ERIC Abetz at it again. First Justine Keay was attacked for being a dual citizen. Now he enters the fray against the independen­t candidate for Braddon Craig Garland in support of his extreme Right factional colleague Brett Whiteley, who was convicted of electoral misconduct, leaving Liberal President Geoff Page trying to explain it all. Whiteley, a permanent backbenche­r, will vote to restore Tony Abbott to the Another way to have your say readers have another way to have their say. It’s free to use, just register and have your say. For more details and to register, visit the website. leadership and Eric to the Ministry. Moderate Braddon voters can protest the Abetz interferen­ce by voting 1 Independen­t and 2 for the Abetz candidate.

Play the ball

ERIC Abetz you’re a dinosaur — time for you to go. It’s a wonder the Left wing of your party hasn’t already ousted you. Independen­t candidate for Braddon Craig Garland is an honourable and trustworth­y gentleman who I rather trust to govern for all — not just the dinosaurs that attack the man rather than the ball.

Liberal ideology

I GET the feeling Simon Behrakis’s love for cars (Letters, July 11) has less to do with traffic and more to do with politics. Nothing boosts the Liberal vote like an ideologica­l potshot at the Greens. He can hardly get around town with his face and name plastered on the side of a push bike can he?

Council coup

WE have to ask do we need a state government. Looks like the Hobart City Council is planning a coup.

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