Mercury (Hobart)

All that is precious

- Geoff Davidson Triabunna Alan Leitch Austins Ferry John Dragt Moonah

WITH regards to the proposed developmen­t on the East Coast, among others, how much of this state and country are we going to donate to foreign “investors” before we all realise that we have given away all that is precious to us. Let us not forget that this place is owned by all of the people not just the boofheads in higher places. Short-term financial gain will not be of any reward when we have nothing left for ourselves. Do not turn this place into a food bowl for foreign countries. Look after our own backyard first.

Jumping through hoops

TASMANIA’S pollies get pay increases automatica­lly through the Tasmanian Industrial Commission without having to put in a submission, go on strike or work to rule. On the other hand, State Government employees have to jump through hoops to get a pay increase. Politician­s are only the mouthpiece­s for their department­s, the employees are the workers at the coalface who make the pollies look good yet have to go begging hat in hand for an increase.

If pollies were paid on the amount of work they did, government coffers would be a lot healthier than they are now. And on top of their inflated salaries (and egos) are all the additional expenses they are socalled entitled to.

Many can’t walk there

IF reader Graham Reeve needs to hike up to the top of a mountain to appreciate it, he’s most welcome (Letters, August 20). Some of us don’t need a lengthy journey to enjoy the destinatio­n. A large number of people who visit Mt Wellington are unable to make the journey on foot, and I’m certain some were never fit enough to walk to the top through no fault of their own. Is the view from the mountain to be off-limits to someone with limited mobility, like some sort of exclusive club?

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