Mercury (Hobart)

Refugees are not pieces of ‘Lego’


THERE’S merit in the proposal to boost Tasmania’s population by increasing the state’s refugee intake but more detail of the Federal Government’s plan is required, says World Vision advocate Tim Costello.

Last week, Prime Minister Scott Morrison said he was willing to adjust Australia’s migration program to tie some visas to Tasmania to help boost the state’s population.

Mr Morrison said he had held a “very good chat” with Premier Will Hodgman about ways to increase Tasmania’s population and hinted the pair had discussed making the granting of some temporary visas conditiona­l on settlement in the state.

Rev Costello, in Hobart to present the annual UTAS Sandy Duncanson Social Justice Lecture, said refugees go to Sydney and Melbourne because that was where the jobs were.

“There’s merit in saying to refugees when you come you’ll go to another place for a couple of years as long as we can see economic stimulatio­n and jobs created otherwise it becomes more of punishment and taxpayer burden if they’re in a welfare trap,” he said.

“Extra population is good for the state and with the economy doing better here it could be a win-win.

Mr Costello said it was important the Government remembered it was dealing with humans and not placing bits of Lego and would need to ensure Tasmania could guarantee jobs to provide for refugees and their families.

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