Mercury (Hobart)

More jump on Metro


HOBART’S adults are increasing­ly hopping on Metro buses to travel around the city, with the boost in passenger numbers partly attributed to residents’ frustratio­n with traffic congestion.

Metro Tasmania has recorded a 7 per cent increase in Hobart passenger numbers in the past year and a 1.7 per cent increase statewide — the fifth consecutiv­e year of growth.

Metro Tasmania chief executive Megan Morse — yesterday standing in front of Hobart’s newest bus — said the increase in southern passenger numbers was driven by a range of factors.

She said traffic congestion, rising petrol prices, the increasing difficulty of finding parking in the CBD and rising parking charges all played a part.

“Some of the competitiv­e advantages that public transport brings to the table in that context — it’s time that you can be doing something for yourself rather than focusing on driving,” Ms Morse said.

Infrastruc­ture Minister Jeremy Rockliff said: “It’s a testament to the reliabilit­y of the Metro service. Also, it’s a way of getting around the city inexpensiv­ely and reliably.”

Opposition infrastruc­ture spokesman David O’Byrne said the state’s public transport system needed a funding boost beyond the $45 million to be spent on locally built new buses over the next four years.

The former infrastruc­ture minister called on the Government to do more to address traffic congestion in the South.

“They’ve had five years,” Mr O’Byrne said. “They could quite easily significan­tly invest in public transport to relieve the pressure.”

Metro Tasmania will appear in front of a Legislativ­e Council scrutiny committee for annual government business enterprise hearings today.

Meanwhile, Premier Will Hodgman has strongly rejected suggestion­s the Government planned to raise the speed limits on Macquarie and Davey streets.

“I want to put to rest the suggestion that we will raise the speed limit on these roads,” said Mr Hodgman, responding to concerns raised by Hobart Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds.

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