Mercury (Hobart)

Chinks of light

- Harry Stanton Sandy Bay Tony Rundle, former premier Hawley Beach Sid Abraham Molesworth

THANK goodness for a Simon Bevilacqua who is able to remind us of the natural beauty that surrounds us, a beauty that is not reflected in what we refer to as the “news”. ( Mercury, December 8). Actually this is really a misnomer. As presented by the media it is really the “bad news” for it does seem that unless an event involves death, natural disaster, misery or suffering it is not deemed worthy of reporting. It is no wonder anxiety and depression is fast becoming a way of life for so many people, surrounded as they are by the offerings of constant doom and gloom. So Simon, please continue providing the little chinks of light that help us offset the “bad news”.

Boys' confusion

AS the Mercury points out, there are concerns about boys and bullying. I should imagine there are concerns about girls and bullying too. I often wonder whether the reason we have lots of angry boys who resort to bullying is because they are confused and frustrated. Why? They are not allowed to be boys any more. Boys are growing up in an over-feminised society; taught by too many women and hence not having the opportunit­y to be formed by

Crossed wires

THERE seem to be crossed wires in relation to my views relating to Speaker Sue Hickey. I’m no enthusiast for the way Speaker Hickey acquired the speakershi­p courtesy of Labor and the Greens. Speaker Hickey should note history: the last Liberal rebel who damaged the parliament­ary party lost his seat!

Speaker dignity

THE headline “Ex -top pollies back Hickey” is misleading in suggesting that I think what Speaker Sue Hickey has done is a good thing ( Mercury, December 8). The truth is I accepted a luncheon invitation from Ms Hickey to join her and other former speakers. Upon arrival it was found

Attack on Hamas

MARISE Payne’s attack on Hamas, the legitimate government of the Gaza Strip, is understand­able. The Australian Government supports the apartheid Zionist regime in Israel, in fact apartheid was invented in Australia and reached its peak under the Bjelke-Petersen government in Queensland. Enlightene­d countries have seen through this racist American move against Hamas in the UN and voted it down. All is not yet lost.

Good people

WE hear so much about the bad people of our world. I want to say thank you to the unsung good people who helped me after a fall in Federal St on Wednesday. I don’t know you but you all know who you are, from Fresh Cut and the two ambulance people who stopped to help me. “Go the good people”.

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