Mercury (Hobart)

It’s been a long wait to the top


THE wait for an all-weather bus service to the top of Hobart’s snow-capped mountain is over.

The kunanyi/Mt Wellington Explorer Bus snow tour — that can run the Pinnacle Rd closure — was launched by company managing director Jonathon Gregory at The Springs yesterday.

He said the service could seat 27 passengers, was only 8.8m long and narrower than a full-size bus. During the peak winter season the bus will be fitted with alpine tyres and snow chains.

When there is snow on the mountain the trip will be a two-stage journey, from Brooke Street Pier to The Springs, and then on to the summit, Mr Gregory said.

He said he expected many tourists to take the city to snow route, with locals choosing to drive to The Springs and hop on there.

“The round trip from the city to the Big Bend carpark will be around 2.5 hours, with the trip from The Springs and back around an hour,” Mr Gregory said.

“Our seven drivers were all trained interstate on the Victorian snowfields, with special training in emergency management, risk assessment and environmen­tal management.”

The bus was supposed to be up and running before winter set in, but had been waiting to receive a permit from the Wellington Park Management Trust to operate on Pinnacle Rd when it is closed due to ice and snow.

An analysis of the Hobart City Council Pinnacle Rd notificati­ons revealed the route to the summit was closed for 184 of 264 hours between May 26 and June 5. Driving to the top proved impossible for four consecutiv­e days with the road shut from 6.10pm on May 26 to noon on May 31.

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