Mercury (Hobart)


Rioli sorry for test switch, now the wait begins


WILLIE Rioli’s apology will not save him from months in football limbo even before he receives his official sanction for a tainted ASADA drug test.

The Eagles small forward was back in the Northern Territory with close Rioli family members yesterday as the extent of his infraction was laid bare.

The issue of an Australian sportspers­on caught tampering with their urine sample is believed to be unpreceden­ted, former ASADA boss Richard Ings unable to recall another similar incident.

Rioli filled his beaker with a substance other than urine — which sources suggest could have been Gatorade.

AFL stars past and present were stunned that he would attempt that brazen move given he would have had his pants around his ankles and top above his stomach as he faced the doping control officer at close range.

The first chance to tamper with the sample could have seen him pouring fluid from his mouth as he was supposed to be urinating into the sample.

The other chance to tamper with that sample would have come as he poured the 210ml sample into two 90ml separate containers that make up his A and B samples.

Players place those containers on a bench but also routinely have bottles of water or Gatorade close by as they try to hydrate enough to pass urine. The league is only dealing with Rioli’s case — which has a maximum four-year ban — and does not have another live integrity department probe ongoing.

The AFL confirmed yesterday his case was unlikely to be expedited.

Rioli is set to be handed an infraction notice that will offer him a four-year ban but he will be able to contest that penalty.

Sam Murray’s hearing took 12 months to unfold before he was suspended for 18 months for match-day cocaine.

It is understood subsequent tests showed Rioli did not have a performanc­eenhancing substance in his body, which means he panicked needlessly.

He was not taking performanc­e-enhancing drugs and he was not being tested by ASADA for an illicit substance like cocaine or marijuana.

Illicit drugs are only an ASADA offence on match day.

He posted yesterday from Darwin that it was a “lil mistake” he would work through.

“Just want to thank all my real family & friends for all the love and support through this tough time!” Rioli said in a post on Facebook yesterday.

“I’m so so sorry I had to put yous [sic] all through this! We will get through this!

“I’ve gone through tougher times life support, depression, bullying and we’ve gotten through!

“Hopefully this lil mistake is a lesson to be learnt! This definitely doesn’t define me as a person! I love yous all.”

Ings said ASADA would take control of the case, adamant Rioli and his lawyer David Grace had few options to reduce the penalty.

“It is predominan­tly meant to be an ASADA investigat­ion. I hope the AFL have learnt from the Essendon scenario,” he said. “He will get a showcause notice and eventually he will get an infraction notice which tells him he has a right to have a hearing.”

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