Mercury (Hobart)

No cases as clinics relocate


TASMANIA has recorded no new coronaviru­s cases for a fourth consecutiv­e day, as the State Government continues on a statewide testing blitz.

The expanded testing will see mobile clinics rolled out to three new rural locations around the state this weekend.

The testing clinics have been focused recently on the North-West, which was the epicentre of the state’s coronaviru­s battle.

But mobile clinics are set to be stationed at Scottsdale, Bothwell and Geeveston on Saturday and Sunday.

Health Minister Sarah Courtney said the itinerary over coming weekends would ensure further coverage across the state.

“We know as we go through our recovery phase that we need to keep testing numbers high,’’ she said. “So I encourage all Tasmanians — whether you have a sniffle, a sore throat, a bit of a cough — please contact the Public Health Hotline.”

Ms Courtney said testing would remain available for members of the community that previously hosted the mobile clinics.

She encouraged anyone displaying symptoms to contact their general practition­er or call the Public Health Hotline on 1800 671 738.

Hobart waterfront testing clinic site manager Brendan Bakes said the testing process was simple and gave peace of mind to individual­s and communitie­s.

Tasmania has now conducted almost 20,000 tests since the pandemic began, with 225 confirmed cases identified.

There are now 29 active cases in the state, which includes seven who are being treated in hospital. No patients are currently being treated in intensive care units.

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