Mercury (Hobart)

Workers to share $588m superannua­tion payback



UNDERPAID workers will be handed back more than half a billion dollars in superannua­tion payments that they were dudded by their employers.

Australian Taxation Office figures released on Monday show about 24,000 employers have come forward and disclosed they would be giving back $588m of unpaid or underpaid superannua­tion to employees.

About 393,000 employees will benefit from the initiative, which will see the money paid directly into their super funds or, if they are no longer working, into their bank accounts.

Under the federal government’s superannua­tion guarantee amnesty, there was a one-off opportunit­y for employers to come forward in the past six months to the tax office and confess that they had incorrectl­y paid their workers.

Assistant Superannua­tion, Financial Services and Financial Technology Minister Senator Jane Hume said the amnesty was “reuniting Australian­s with money that is rightfully theirs, making sure every dollar that is owed to workers goes back to them”.

“We know that in the past calculatin­g the super guarantee has been very complicate­d,” she said.

“The superannua­tion prompted honest amnesty businesses to take a look back through their records and check they’d done the right thing by their employees.”

The Australian Institute of Superannua­tion Trustees’ head of advocacy, Melissa Birks, said while it was good to see workers reunited with their money, the amount paid was “a drop in the ocean”.

 ??  ?? PLEASED: Senator Jane Hume
PLEASED: Senator Jane Hume

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