Mercury (Hobart)


Bikes and Spikes promoted in carnivals series shift


WHILE a host of high-profile festival sand events have been cancelled for summer, Hobart’ s annual Bikes and Spikes athletics meet is charging ahead with plans for a December 27 celebratio­n of sport.

Runner Laura McShane and cyclist Mitch Gitt us are among those excited to hit the track.

HOBART’S annual Bikes and Spikes meet has been promoted to “peak week” of Tasmania’ s Christmas Carnivals to celebrate its40th birthday on December27.

Traditiona­lly held in the opening week of January, Bikes and Spikes at New Town Oval steps up to take its place in the main week of carnival action after the cancellati­on of the Latrobe and Devon port events this year.

And the George Town cycling carnival comes into the series for the first time, on December 30.

New president for the Sport Carnivals Associatio­n of Tasmania Duncan Murfets aid he was determined for the series togo ahead, despite the havoc of COVID-19.

“It has been so difficult in 2020 for many people, but we need events like the Tasmanian Christmas Carnival sin the community ,” Mr Murfets aid .“It is also a proven breeding ground for global talent.

“Just have a look at the year that Stewart McSweyn has had, breaking Australian records previously held by Ryan Greg son and Craig Mott ram.

“He did that off the back of competing in our series last summer .”

A fixture on Latrobe’ s events calendar since 1896, the Latrobe Bicycle Club cancelled its event due to the pandemic. “Moving the Hobart Bikes and Spikes to the ‘peak week’ we believe is the key to engaging the state’s capital ,” Murfets aid. Tasmanian Christmas Carnivals Series: Rosebery, December 19; Hobart, December 27; Launceston, December 28( cycling only ); Penguin, December 29( running only ); GeorgeTown, December 30( cycling only ); Burnie, December 31; St Helens, January 16.

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