Mercury (Hobart)

Biden’s law flaws in Dems hot spots


JOE Biden’s low point in the scrappy debate came when he was forced to admit he had done little to quell the violence wracking several Democratru­n cities.

With law and order firming as a key election issue, President Barack Obama’s former right-hand man said that because he was not yet an elected official he hadn’t phoned any Democrat leaders to urge them to call in the National Guard to stop rioters.

“You never called for the leaders in Portland and in Oregon to bring in the National Guard and knock off 100 days of riots?” asked moderator Chris Wallace( pictured ).

“I don’t hold ppublic office now,” Mr Biden said, defending his lack of action in Portland wwhere riots have torn the city apart for more than 100 days.

“I am a former vice president. I’ve made it clear, I made it clear in my public statements, that the violence should be prosecuted. It should be prosecuted and anyone who commits it should be prosecuted.”

Mr Bid en accused his opponent Donald Trump of stoking the violence and social unrest that has rocked America since the death of black man George Floyd in May.

“He doesn’t want to calm things down. Instead of going in and talking to people and saying let’s get everybody together and figure out how to deal with this, what’ s he do?

“He just pours gasoline in the fire constantly, every single solitary time.”

But Mr Trump said the problems were centred mainly in Democrat run cities and accused Mr Biden of trying to reduce policing: “He doesn’t want to say law and order because he can’t, because he’ll lose his radical left supporters and once he does that it’s over with. If he ever got to run this country and they ran it the way he wants to run it, our suburbs would be gone.”

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