Mercury (Hobart)

Brit hotels to take in 44,000 each month


LONDON: More than 1400 people a day entering the UK from 33 high-risk countries will have to pay £1000 ($1800) for 11 days of hotel quarantine.

The government has drawn up plans to quarantine up to 44,000 passengers a month in hotels near 10 airports and ports, with private security guards on every floor to stop people leaving their room.

The measure, which was announced last month by Prime Minister Boris Johnson, will not now be implemente­d until February 15.

A tender document seen by The Times says the government is attempting to secure hotels close to airports, ferry terminals and the Eurostar at St Pancras Station in central London.

Although the government’s policy is to require people to isolate for 10 days, the document says the day on which they arrive will be treated as “day zero”, meaning they will have to spend 11 days in their room. They will be required to take a coronaviru­s test on the second and the eighth day of their stay.

The document says hotels taking part must be open solely for the quarantine policy. All hotels should provide three meals a day, tea and coffee, fresh fruit and water in rooms, with costs estimated to be up to £96 per person a day. It will work out at up to £1056 for 11 days.

Security staff will help with check-in and carry out patrols.

The government has also banned foreigners from entering from 33 countries, including all those in South America, southern Africa and Portugal.

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