Mercury (Hobart)

Rockliff holds line on Covid response


THERE would be no change to the government’s strategy on tackling the Covid pandemic as public health advice had not changed, Premier Jeremy Rockliff said.

The daily number of new cases backed off on Monday to 1055, the lowest in a month.

Two more deaths were reported – including a man in his 40s in the state’s South – and the number of people in hospital with the virus rose to 183.

Mr Rockliff said the government was monitoring case numbers and the strain on the hospital system “very closely” but said it was a reflection of a nationwide trend.

“We recognise that our health system is facing significan­t pressures,” he said.

“I’ve never hidden that fact, I haven’t got my rose-coloured glasses on and I never have when it comes to the challenges to the health system and the challenges when it comes to the additional pressure that Covid places on the health system.

“Of course I recognise the pressures on the health system, I recognise the pressures on our staff as well and I thank them once again for their commitment to what is a considerab­ly difficult task.”

Labor leader Rebecca White said the latest wave of the virus was placing Tasmania’s hospitals and their staff under unsustaina­ble levels of demand.

“We already see our health system in crisis, it’s not coping with the number of Covid cases,” she said.

“We’re not seeing transparen­cy from this government about the advice they’re relying on from public health when it comes to how they’re managing us living with Covid.

“I think the education union and teachers and parents are right to feel worried about schools returning this week and what that means for our children’s health.”

Greens leader Cassy O’Connor also said the Premier’s response was wanting.

“No, that’s rubbish. How do we know if the government is following public health advice?” she said.

“They never released the advice a number of times we’ve sought it in parliament.

“We’ve just had a Right to Informatio­n request rejected when we sought public health advice to education, correction­s and other community service providers.

“If the Premier wants to be taken seriously on following public health advice, he needs to release that advice.

“We would call on this premier, who has made a commitment to be an open and transparen­t premier of an open and accountabl­e government, to release the public health advice. Until he does, we do not believe him when he says he’s following public health advice.”

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