Mercury (Hobart)





1 In cricket, what feat was once rewarded by a new top hat from the player’s club? (3,5)

7 What is the last letter in the Greek alphabet? (5)

8 What was the name of the German Airforce up until the end of World War II? (9)

9 Who is Andy Capp’s wife? (3)

10 You can eat an Allium porrum. What is it? (4)

11 What is a set of successive games between the same teams? (6)

13 What is a brownish-yellow pigment made from soot, used for pen and wash drawings? (6)

14 What is a meeting of chiefs of government­s or other high officials? (6)

17 From what wood are cricket bats traditiona­lly made? (6)

18 What is a double sheet bend? (4)

20 What is the monetary unit of Romania? (3)

22 What is the world’s fastest team game? (3,6)

23 What are hard-baked breadlike biscuits given to babies? (5)

24 What fish is able to hold objects in its tail? (8)


1 What is meat from animals killed according to Muslim law? (5)

2 John Mackintosh and his wife became famous for making what? (7)

3 What are horizontal ranks of squares on a chessboard? (4)

4 What drink was in vogue in Leipzig when Bach wrote a cantata for it? (6)

5 What were labourers who were not allowed to leave the land on which they worked? (5)

6 What weapon was first made in Bayonne in France? (7)

7 Who in Greek mythology was named after his swollen foot? (7)

12 What is a latticewor­k structure for supporting climbing plants? (7)

13 What is a post on a quay for securing ropes? (7)

15 What is a slang word for a person’s name or nickname? (7)

16 Which comic book character was first known as Ham Gravy? (6)

17 What is the German word for sausage? (5)

19 What aromatic herb was burnt in Greek temples? (5)

21 What is a slang word for money? (4)

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