Mercury (Hobart)

Greens demand abattoir update

- David Killick

The delay between reports of animal abuse in Tasmania slaughterh­ouses and tangible government action has been too long, Greens leader Rosalie Woodruff says.

Dr Woodruff called on the government to update the public on what action had been taken in the wake of the release of shocking CCTV footage by animal campaigner­s.

“It’s been six months now since the farm transparen­cy project activists released disturbing, distressin­g footage of terrible suffering and harm that’s been caused to animals in slaughterh­ouses across Tasmania, five separate slaughterh­ouses, showing systemic practices of cruelty to animals dying in pain, repeated systematic failures to look after animal welfare,” Dr Woodruff said.

“What we should have heard from a good government is immediate action for an investigat­ion, to pause any animal processing in slaughterh­ouses where there was evidence and to put CCTV cameras in place. That didn’t happen. Instead, minister Jo Palmer at the time, kicked the can down the road and started a report process that we didn’t need.”

Dr Woodruff said an update from the taskforce should have been delivered when parliament was due to resume on March 5, although the election intervened.

She said Tasmanians shouldn’t have to wait.

“We still don’t know what is the taskforce report, what did they find?

“We want a comprehens­ive update on the investigat­ions that have occurred in abattoirs in the last six months, and the changes to the Animal Welfare Act that we need as a result of that.

“Animals are still dying in slaughterh­ouses across Tasmania in pain and suffering, because nothing has changed.”

Former minister for primary industries Jo Palmer promised swift action when announcing the Livestock Processing Taskforce on December 19.

 ?? ?? Rosalie Woodruff
Rosalie Woodruff

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