Money Magazine Australia



Legislatio­n setting out a new profession­al standards and education framework for planners has been passed by parliament. This means that from January 1, 2019, new advisers must pass an exam, be degree-qualified and be supervised during their “profession­al year” (at least 12 months of working and training) by a registered financial adviser.

There are also new requiremen­ts for existing advisers. They must:

Comply with a code of ethics (to be set by a future profession­al standards body) from January 1, 2020. This could be facilitate­d through membership of a profession­al associatio­n.

Pass an exam by January 1, 2021.

Attain degree equivalenc­y by January 1, 2024.

Undertake ongoing profession­al developmen­t.

As well, the Life Insurance Remunerati­on Arrangemen­ts Bill 2016 has passed through the senate, creating a more level playing field for advisers, with no carveouts for direct sales of life insurance.

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