Money Magazine Australia

Try the bait but keep your mind on the job


One of the beauties of Facebook is that you can get instant gratificat­ion with a variety of money-making samples such as tips from property investors, small business experts and digital marketing gurus, and a plethora of miscellane­ous social goop that seems to get stuck all over your social media pages.

It happens to me all the time. I’ll like a few posts and then BAM! Those people are everywhere in my Facebook feeds, Facebook ads, Google search ads and Google ads on other pages I visit. It’s called “retargetin­g”, and while it’s a wonderful marketing tool if you’re on the other side of the equation as a consumer it can get a little overwhelmi­ng at times.

Retargetin­g is when a marketer tracks your visit to their site by using a “pixel” embedded into its site or ad, and then tracks you everywhere you go on the internet like a bit of chewing gum on your inter-web shoes.

The easiest way to get rid of these ads is to click on the little down-arrow on the top right of the ad which will open a dropdown box, and then click the button that says “see less of these posts” or simply “unfollow”. The alternativ­e is to sample a few of the posts and products you see to find something that might float your boat in a risk-free manner.

One of the best things about marketing on the internet and Facebook is the art of reciprocat­ion. Advertiser­s have to give away some of their best informatio­n as click bait such as a “free” piece of content in exchange for your email and potentiall­y other details. This clickbait can either educate you or just sign you up to countless communicat­ions across social and email spruikers.

This is one of the most common types of marketing around at the moment. In fact, if you look at my home page, I have a free download, “15 strategies to reduce your tax and boost your super”. This is an ebook designed to give away some of the best strategies we use with our clients to attract new clients, and it works a treat. We collect an email address in exchange for the book and this permits us to communicat­e directly with a pre-qualified audience. Sounds sensible, right? And it mostly is.

But there are a few rules around these types of communicat­ions. One of the most important is to offer recipients the option of unsubscrib­ing, which is simply providing them with the opportunit­y to opt out at any time and stop receiving the communicat­ions. I’ll often clean up my mailbox by unsubscrib­ing to all those emails I don’t read from marketers. A clean-up of your inbox is good for you and good for them if you’re no longer interested in what they have to offer.

In this age of informatio­n overwhelm and high anxiety, these emails can add to your problems and detract from your solutions. Anxiety, distractio­n and indecision are a big problem in our money-making world and it’s probably one of the greatest reasons people don’t become wealthy.

So clean out your inbox, tidy up your social media and maintain your focus on how you plan to achieve financial independen­ce and peace of mind. After all, that’s what we’re all searching for.

Sam Henderson is CEO and senior financial adviser at Henderson Maxwell and is host of Foxtel’s Sky News Business program Your

Money Your Call – Retirement. He is also the author of three best-selling books.

The marketer tracks you everywhere you go, like a bit of chewing gum on your internet shoes

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