Mountain Biking UK


Because the party doesn't have to end when the racing does...


Saturday night is your chance to hit the town, consume your body weight in curry and lager, and meet the locals. The Scots really enjoy it when you imitate their accent and make Braveheart jokes.

One last pint in The Crofter won’t hurt. The fresh air (galeforce winds) up on Aonach Mòr will clear your head on Sunday morning. And if you start to feel a bit nauseous on your way up the hill, the gondolas have windows.

It’s important to stay hydrated, so visit the bar before heading up to watch the racing. Even better, ind a spectating spot within staggering distance. Bring the loudest noise maker you can and use it until your ears, and those of all around you, are ringing like a rock star’s. Hanging over the tape in front of the riders and shouting at them will really spur them on, too.

You’re probably pretty drunk by this point, but don’t worry if you miss the action because you can always watch the replay.

Nicely dehydrated from a day in the sun, get straight on the beers once you come down the hill. Sunday evening is your chance to party with the pros. Locate the nearest racer and ply them with pints while you shout in their ear. Make sure you tell them all about your bike – they’ll be fascinated.

A sign of a good weekend is waking up on Monday morning with a solid hangover, no voice left and a hearty red hide. You may look like a chicken pox sufferer with your midge bites, but you’ll be stoked to do it all over again next year!

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