Mountain Biking UK


Get out of turns quickly to save valuable seconds


Exit speed in corners is an easy place to gain or lose time in a race. The way pros link berms into straights is seamless – they appear to come out faster than they went in. A lot of this is down to identifyin­g the correct braking point and pumping, but hitting the pedals at the right time and getting max power down makes a big difference too. Wheelieing as you exit a turn means you can get your legs straighter and put full power through the pedals. It also overcomes the risk of stalling as you exit, without needing to shift down a gear. This technique requires you to be able to pump berms and wheelie, so get comfy doing both those things first.

1 Hit the apex

Enter the berm as you would any other corner – central on the bike and balanced. Powering out of a turn is about generating forward momentum, and you get that by springing out of the apex – the point where the G-force is sucking you in and the bike wants to compress. Feel where that is and exaggerate its effects by pushing down on the pedals and handlebar.

2 Lean back

As the suspension rebounds, the bike will want to accelerate forward. Accentuate that motion by pushing your hips forward and simultaneo­usly pulling back on the bar, like you would to manual. At this point you should be keeping the cranks level and your heels dipped, to help tip the bike onto its back wheel.

3 Power down

As you feel the back wheel rise, put some strong power strokes through the pedals while still pulling back on the bar. You’ll probably find that, after a couple of rotations, your gearing is too easy, but that’s OK. The aim of this technique is to get you back up to speed and prevent a stall-out, from being in too hard a gear.

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