Mountain Biking UK

60 Seconds CRAIG with... EVANS


There are few people in the bike world who have as much fun as Craig Evans. As a core member of the 50to01 crew, alongside Josh ‘Ratboy’ Bryceland and Josh ‘Loosedog’ Lewis, this lanky lad from Sheffield will most likely be found getting his kit off and mucking about. But don’t let this fool you – he’s one hell of a rider. After lighting up the party the night before, Craig will go and hit a FEST Series line or put in a winning run at Red Bull Hardline. It’s all in a weekend’s work for this Northern grafter.

MBUK: Who is Craig Evans? CE: A 27-year-old scrubber. Where do you call home? Sheffield, luckily right next to Wharncliff­e Woods.

First bike? A Gary Fisher hardtail with V-brakes and a fork that might as well have not moved. It did me well – I spent a lot of time on that thing.

Current go-to bike? My Santa Cruz 5010. Such a fun bike. I feel like you can ride it anywhere and have fun.

What gets you excited to ride? Seeing other people going hard on bikes or just doing something that scares them for the first time. It’s so sick to see someone conquer a mental battle and let it fly.

Favourite rider to watch? Ah man, so many at the moment! Damon Iwanaga, Nico Vink, Vinny T, Dave McMillan, Sam Hockenhull, Ratboy, Remy Morton and Allan Cooke all have the sickest styles.

Favourite bike film? Earthed 5 was my go-to. I’ve done a few laps of that!

Best trail of 2018? It’s hard to pick one, because there were so many sick ones. The line Nico built at Royal Fest [a FEST Series round in southern France ~ ed] was one of the best things I’ve ever ridden. La Thuile [the fifth 2018 Enduro World Series round, in Italy’s Aosta Valley] had some amazing trails – steep, tech and loamy. You had to be on it, riding high offcamber lines to set up for turns. It was mint!

Scariest thing you’ve done on a bike? Maybe Loosefest [Nico Vink’s FEST Series round in Belgium], but there have been one or two really sketchy sends that have been up there!

Worst crash? Touch wood, I’ve not had loads of crazily bad crashes. A PCL [knee ligament] tear at Red Bull Hardline could have been way worse, but I got lucky.

Clips or flats? Flats. Clips are mint for racing, because you can be smoother, more efficient and put the bike where you want it more easily. But flats are just more fun, in my opinion.

650b or 29? I really enjoy riding both wheel sizes, but if I had to choose, I’d go 27.5. Bike park flow or natural gnar? Hard to choose. I love both, but I’ll stick to my Wharny roots and go with natural. You can never go wrong with some steep, slippery tech.

Race results or Instagram followers? Race results, if I could get them! But I try not to get hung up on either, I just enjoy riding.

Who’d you rather fight – Richie Rude or Brook Macdonald? Richie Rude over Brook any day, haha!

Dream sponsor? I’ve got my dream sponsors. I never thought I’d have the chance to ride for Hope or Santa Cruz when I was growing up. Even four years ago, I wouldn’t have thought it was possible.

How far can you wheelie? Sometimes pretty far, sometimes only two metres.

Desert island luxury? Peanut butter

What advice would you give 13-year-old you? Be nicer to your mum.

What would you be doing if you weren’t into mountain biking? I think I’d be sipping a pint of John Smith’s.

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