Mountain Biking UK


The nature of jump boxes means transition­s can come in any size or combinatio­n – here are Manon’s tips for some scenarios you might encounter


01 Long and Lows

Sometimes you may have a set-up jump that means you need to cover distance rather than get height, or you may just be struggling for speed. To clear the distance, you need to pump hard through the transition and then, on take-off, push your handlebar forwards to ‘racer’ the jump and carry your momentum across it.

02 Tight transition­s

At other times you may not have much space between jumps to generate pump. It’ll help to jump higher over the box, to take more height and momentum into the bowl. Coming into the landing from high up, rather than jumping low across the box, will also make it easier to angle your wheels neatly into the landing for maximum pump.

03 Quarter pipe

Many skate parks have two lines of jumps with a quarter in the middle to turn back on, which can disrupt your flow. Approach at a speed that you can turn high up on the quarter with, and at an angle that allows you to ride back down in line with the next set of jumps, to help you carry your speed through them.

04 The manual

A manual can help you to build speed through awkward rhythm straights. Pump through the transition, then, at the top of the takeoff, drive your back wheel down and across the top of the box. As you reach the end of the deck, throw your body weight forwards to hop your front wheel smoothly into the landing and then pump away.

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