Mountain Biking UK

Backyard Joyride: Brendan on his set-up


Had you always dreamed of having a riding spot in your back garden?

Yes, 100 per cent! I was super-lucky to have some jumps in my garden when I was very young. Then, as I spent more time travelling the world racing and I was at home less and less, they kind of got forgotten. I’d been wanting to give them a revamp for ages, and at the start of lockdown I figured I was going to be about more, so I got to work.

Can you explain your set-up for us?

It’s definitely geared more towards dirt-jump bikes. We’re lucky to have lots of sets of jumps around here, but I figured why not add one more to the list, just as I want them. In comparison to someone like Matt’s aesthetica­lly-pleasing jumps, which look more skate-park-style and tech, mine are more like big woodland dirt jumps. They’re rough around the edges, but we worked with what we had, what I enjoyed riding and what the lay of the land allowed and suited.

Was it good to dig and create what was in your head?

Yeah. A lot of video projects mean building new jumps, so I’m no stranger to the process. What I love most about it all is starting with nothing, a blank piece of land, and having the vision of what you want to make and then seeing it all come together. It’s pretty amazing.

What’s the impact of your YouTube videos?

The YouTube channel starting has definitely affected the jumps – but if anything, it’s affected stuff badly, as I’ve rushed a little bit, too excited to make fast progress for the videos! I’ve really enjoyed doing the videos for the last few months, though. It’s great to have a way to interact with fans so directly. It’s something I really want to try and keep going.

What’s the deal with riding over the house and the crazy set-ups?

My house is about to get knocked down and rebuilt, so I figured I don’t need to worry about it too much! I’m guessing there probably won’t be a Rampage this year, so why not bring it back to my garden and build some home Rampage?

Any stick from the other half/folks?

Thankfully I own the place and it’s coming down soon, so no parents to get angry these days, but that used to be more of an issue. As for my wife, I think she enjoys watching me ride them, so all good there too. I’m very lucky.

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