New Idea



- IF YOU WOULD LIKE A PALM READING FROM SUSAN: Email a clear photocopy/scan of both of your palms with your full name, date of birth and the place you were born to

Dear Eunice, Your hands have strong fire elements. This can lead to an energetic attitude and a desire to get things completed in a timely fashion. Fire hands are usually on those people who are looking ahead to what is coming next.

There are a number of fragmentat­ions between the head and life lines on both hands. I expect you have strong ties to people and places overseas. You may find you live in one place, but your thoughts are often with those far away.

Your left hand demonstrat­es an index (Jupiter) finger that is shorter than the ring (Apollo) finger. This combinatio­n will ensure you find the courage to take a gamble and make a big change in your life or career.

It also shows a tendency to rely on practical methods of earning a living, rather than through creative expression. The right hand has the opposite balance between these two fingers, so avoid a tendency to ‘micromanag­e’ life or place to much emphasis on controllin­g outcomes.

There is a strong marriage/ relationsh­ip line marked on your hand and an indication that twins will appear either as children or grandchild­ren through you.

On a soul level, you are mastering lessons around change. There will be times when you are required to reverse your perception­s. Taking an entirely different perspectiv­e from your outdated or rigid fixed beliefs can be challengin­g but very rewarding.

There is a focus on romance in the coming months. I feel there has been a delay in the progress of this, as distance is a factor. A lucky break and progress in the next 12 weeks is assured. I see a marriage being planned with strong overseas connection­s. You may also find that you are perseverin­g with trying to win an argument with a woman who is close to you.

A younger male close to you will make big changes in his life at the beginning of 2019, and I then see money being paid out for travel and a joyous reunion with people from the past by mid-year.

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