New Idea




Dear Amber, Your hands have an overall conical aspect to them. This brings with it a love of both beauty and the finer things in life. You are likely to be receptive in nature, thus making you emotional, intuitive, and at times prone to a sudden change of heart. Your Jupiter (index) finger is comparativ­ely longer than your Apollo (ring) finger on both hands. This is often found when people share strong characteri­stic traits and ideals with those in their family background. Strong parental influence is indicated by the well-joined head and life line on the left hand.

The challenge for you may be in finding ways not to micro-manage situations in order to control outcomes. It can seem risky to leave some things up to fate, but in reality, life often holds some very pleasant surprises. It’s been proven that up to 90 per cent of the things we worry about never come to pass, so imagine how much you would get out of life if you were channellin­g that same energy to a positive, creative project!

There is a strong relationsh­ip/ marriage line on your hand and child lines are also present, so you will fare well in both these areas. On a soul level, you must find a path to seeing beyond the surface of people and things, and this means learning not to rush into disadvanta­geous alliances.

In the next few months news will come from overseas, and someone who has been living away will be coming home. I can also see contact with a male that you have not seen in a very long time.

This is followed up by fresh opportunit­ies around work. If you are looking for something new, September will bring it. Around November or December, an unexpected but beneficial change of direction will present itself for a man close to you. Travel is indicated for mid-2019 and then the year rounds off with renewed love and the realisatio­n of big goals and dreams.

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