New Idea




Dear Sharon, Your hands display an overall fire element, slightly tempered by earth undertones. This can give you an eager, occasional­ly impatient, tendency. However, the earth element highlights the need to see the practical side of things, thus bringing any impulsiven­ess into a more harmonious balance.

The left hand indicates you have had a relatively ordered family background and upbringing. The need to manage things down to the last detail is a common trait for parents of people with your finger combinatio­n. You would likely find they were focused on goals and necessitie­s rather than artistic or creative pursuits. On your right hand the overall balance of fingers is better aligned, giving you a natural ability to combine creative and practical endeavours.

Separation between the head and life lines indicates you are a person more likely to follow your own path in life. Markings on the head and fate line demonstrat­e that the ages of 32 to 33 and 36 were times of great change in both your personal circumstan­ces and how you viewed the world. There is a strong relationsh­ip line that indicates a union for life, which is a wonderful thing to have.

The coming months bring a gathering of people to celebrate an engagement or wedding. It seems to be at a distance, so will require travel. There is also some good news coming connected to a person with strong overseas ties; any troubles they have should pass by the end of the year.

In the first quarter of next year avoid quarrels between siblings over money. There are legal requiremen­ts to be mindful of. News around your husband will bring a welcome surprise by mid next year, this involves work and interstate destinatio­ns.

A close male should be watching his health by the end of 2019. Prevention is better than cure.

IF YOU WOULD LIKE A PALM READING FROM SUSAN: Email a clear photocopy/scan of both of your palms with your full name, date of birth and the place you were born to

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