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Tea or coffee? Coffee.

Wine or a cocktail? Cocktail. What’s your most requested meal at home from friends and family? Mexican Pulled Pork, Beef Chimichang­as or a Celebratio­n Cake (almost every celebratio­n I am asked to make one).

Biggest cooking disaster you’ve ever had? I made a three-tiered wedding cake (for a friend) that almost tipped over and collapsed at the venue. I ended up fixing it the best I could but it still looked a little like the Leaning Tower of Pisa. My friends said I was the only one that could tell but I knew they were only being nice … It still tasted great! What’s the one food you can never say no to? Chicken Burgers or Roasted Almond Chocolate.

Is there one food or ingredient you can’t stand? Banana (tuna is also pretty close). What’s the first dish you remember

cooking? Profiterol­es and Mini Quiches (with my grandma). Tell us something about Barb or

Pam that no-one knows ... Barb is obsessed with Vegemite and cheese toasted sandwiches, while

Pam used to design and sell handmade jewellery. If you really want to impress someone, what do you cook? Generally, a cake or a dessert of some kind, or a slow cooked Massaman beef curry.

Is there a cheat dish you swear by? I love making a Thai Green Curry – I usually throw any vegetables I have in the crisper into it then add a bought curry paste (instead of making my own). The best thing is it’s on the table within 20 minutes.

And finally, what’s your favourite recipe of all time? That’s tough! I think our Devil’s Food Cake makes a fabulous dessert or afternoon treat as the recipe never fails. It’s just perfect for any occasion.

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