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Unlike many of the royal dads, William’s been very frank about the challenges of fatherhood.

In 2016 he admitted that becoming a parent had been a challenge.

“There’s wonderful highs and there’s wonderful lows,” he said while on an official tour to Vietnam. “But I’ve struggled at times. The alteration from being a single, independen­t man to going into marriage and then having children is life-changing.”

It was clear from the start that William would be a hands-on dad. When Prince George was born in 2013, William helped with nappy changes and gave the baby a night feed. But he’s been very open about how difficult he found the early days of parenthood.

“The fear of having a newborn baby that’s very vulnerable – that’s what you spend most of your time worrying about, thinking, ‘What do I do?’” he admitted in February at a Future Men event. “And that’s the thing isn’t it? It’s very daunting how tiny they are when they first arrive.”

But as his children have grown, William’s proved himself to be a modern dad by being very involved in their day-to-day lives. He regularly does the school run, plays with George, 5, Charlotte, 3, and 11-month-old Louis within the grounds of Kensington Palace, and reads them bedtime stories.

Becoming a dad has also changed William’s life in other ways. “I’m a lot more emotional than I used to be, weirdly. I never used to get too wound up or worried about things,” he revealed last year.

 ??  ?? William and Kate outside the Lindo Wing after welcoming Prince George.
William and Kate outside the Lindo Wing after welcoming Prince George.
 ??  ?? The Cambridges were all out for Prince Louis’ christenin­g.
The Cambridges were all out for Prince Louis’ christenin­g.
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