New Idea

Chocolate Carrot Patch Cakes

Makes 12, Prep and Cook: 1 hour, 10 mins


3 eggs

¾ cup sunflower oil

¾ cup caster sugar

1½ cups coarsely grated carrot (200g) 1 cup plain flour

¼ cup cocoa powder

½ tsp baking powder

½ tsp bicarbonat­e of soda

²⁄³ cup Betty Crocker Creamy Deluxe

Chocolate Frosting

½ x 137g packet original Oreo cookies,

finely crushed


1 cup White Choc Melts (175g) 2 tblsps vegetable oil Orange food colouring gel 12 medium fresh strawberri­es

1 Line a 12-hole muffin pan (¹⁄ ³ -cup capacity) with paper cases.

2 Beat eggs, oil and sugar in a large bowl of an electric mixer using the whisk attachment on high speed, for about 8 minutes, or until thick and pale. Using a spatula, gently fold in carrot.

3 Sift flour, cocoa, baking powder and soda over egg mixture. Using a handheld balloon whisk, fold until combined. Divide evenly among paper cases.

4 Cook in a moderately slow oven (160C) for about 20 to 25 minutes, or until just firm to touch in the centre. Remove. Stand in pan for 5 minutes. Transfer to a wire rack to cool.

5 Meanwhile, make strawberry carrots. Melt chocolate and oil in a heatproof bowl sitting over a saucepan of simmering water. Stir until smooth.

Tint orange with gel. Transfer to a small heatproof jug.

6 One at a time, holding the leafy calyx on each strawberry, dip into chocolate, allowing excess to drip away. Transfer to a tray lined with baking paper.

7 Spoon remaining chocolate into a snap-lock sandwich bag. Squeeze into one corner. Twist end of bag. Snip tip. Drizzle over strawberri­es. Stand until set.

8 To assemble, spread frosting over cupcakes. Sprinkle with cookie crumbs. Top with strawberry carrots.

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