New Idea




Q Should my son move into student accommodat­ion at the university he wants to attend, which is over an hour’s drive away? He is quite young, turning 18 in February and has struggled with anxiety over the past year. He’s keen, but I’m not convinced it’s the best thing.


A Your son’s chart has been difficult over the past year, as Saturn has been hovering over his Aquarius sun and Mars. This planetary transit often indicates restrictio­ns and tough times – many people feel the weight of the world on their shoulders and energy levels can be low. Focusing on study wouldn’t have been easy, and of course, lockdowns wouldn’t have helped. But the pressure should lift over the coming weeks, working wonders for his mental health. Next year looks stimulatin­g and quite exciting for him, so if he feels ready to spread his wings,

I would let him fly!

Q Can you see me getting married early next year? It’s been postponed three times now! Everything seems to be booked out in January, but I wondered about an autumn wedding. SAL, ST KILDA, VIC.

A As fate would have it, January’s celestial patterns are not ideal for you to get married under (particular­ly as Venus will be retrograde), whereas April looks wonderfull­y auspicious. Travel is also on the cards, so I would suggest booking your wedding and honeymoon after the April 3 new moon. The wait will be worth it!

Q After ill health and my marriage ending, I am ready to move forward. Can I leave work and retire happily in the near future? Will I rent a low-set house? TANJA, VIA EMAIL.

A I’m so sorry to hear of your troubles, Tanja. With your sun, moon and Mercury

all in earthy Taurus territory, a low-set home or townhouse would be ideal for you. You need somewhere to grow vegies and soak up nature, so I would make that a priority. The last two to three years may have been quite turbulent, but emotional equilibriu­m is returning. With two eclipses falling in Taurus, 2022 should mark a turning point for you, and by year’s end, there could a move. Being a ‘fixed sign’, Taureans tend to hang on and resist change, but letting go will allow you to transition into happier, healthier times.

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