New Zealand Classic Car



Iwas interested in the article on page 92 of the December 2018 issue of New Zealand Classic Car [Issue No. 336] magazine, titled Price On, by Greg Price, about the cost of registrati­on and ACC levies.

I have often wondered why we don’t have compulsory motor vehicle insurance here in New Zealand. We could then add the ACC levies to the insurance of the vehicles being insured. Then, if you had an accident and caused an injury that became an ACC claim, your insurance [premium] could be increased with the added ACC costs. This would make the people that caused the injury / ACC claims leading to the costs, pay the costs. Any accident that caused injury would be lodged with the police, insurance companies, and hospitals/doctors, so there would be a trace of whose fault it was.

If you let people other than those named on your policy drive your vehicle, you would take the risk of them having an accident at your cost. Hire companies and company vehicles would have a maximum charge added at the signing of the policy, with a refund if no claims were made. Insurance companies now use a similar system with the no claims discount they offer.

When I was young and living in the UK back in the ’60–’70s, vehicle insurance was compulsory and not to have it was not a motoring offence but a criminal offence — a much more serious offence.

I know that ACC is meant to be a no-fault system, but it’s a very unfair way of collecting revenue when it comes to motor vehicles as it penalizes safe drivers. Things need to change.


Jeff Rogers

Editor: You may notice in this issue that Greg Price hasn’t yet finished with ACC and others.

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