NZ House & Garden

Meet the maker


Ngāi Tahu artist Turumeke Harrington’s installati­ons draw from different discipline­s

The worlds of industrial design and fine arts collide for Ngāi Tahu artist Turumeke Harrington in beautiful and interestin­g explosions of colour and materials that explore her interest in whakapapa and space. Wellington-based Turumeke, who is currently making large sculptural installati­ons as well as studying for a Master of Fine Arts degree at Massey University, says she is inspired to create works that her young daughter Pia will engage with and enjoy. Her use of materials such as brightly coloured powder-coated sheet steel and nylon cord is certainly playful, particular­ly when she combines them with electrical components including LED bulbs and white extension leads. “I enjoy working with cord because it doesn’t require specific tools or workshops to make with it and a small amount of material can have a great impact spatially,” Turumeke says. Case in point is Te Koretētāma­ua SETTLE, PETAL which showed at Auckland’s Corban Estate Arts Centre recently. “I was surprised when I finished installing her because though I had planned, produced the parts and looked at CAD models... the effect in the flesh was far more emotionall­y interestin­g than I could have imagined.”

My favourite things: I have had a Tajima LC-303 craft knife for about 10 years now; I get a real kick out of using it – it’s small, it’s solid, it can cut cheese, kiwifruit and paper (1). Laurie Steer mug; Laurie and I share similar strong opinions and an enthusiasm for talking about value and commodity in art (2). Right now I am honestly just so happy with these Classic Bae embellishe­d clogs by Crocs… very comfortabl­e, very divisive and definitely a bit basic (3). My friend Ben Woods released his album Put last year; it’s gritty, a bit melancholi­c and a lot of fun (4). See

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 ??  ?? was exhibited at Auckland’s Objectspac­e this year.
was exhibited at Auckland’s Objectspac­e this year.
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