Divinity Original Sin boardgame

Recreating the acclaimed RPG series in card and plastic.


While we usually deal only in pixels and microchips across these pages, we’re making a special exception for Larian’s new board game adaptation. Why? Because it cleaves so closely to the style of the games that they might as well have slapped Divinity Original Sin 3 on the box.

Any tabletop fan will know that fantasy dungeon crawlers are a dime a dozen these days. What makes DOStBG (hmm, not the best acronym) stand out is how elegantly it recreates the quirks of its source material.

The set-up is broadly familiar – joining a party of four adventurer­s, we select a character, represente­d by a plastic miniature and a handful of cards for our class and skills. A story book guides us through our quests, with prose to describe what’s happening, and instructio­ns for setting up the cards and tokens representi­ng each encounter.

It’s in combat that things get really exciting. As in the games, elemental magic is the star of the show. A set of easy to track mechanics allow you to douse enemies in oil before setting them on fire, pour rain over them to set them up for freezing or electrocut­ion, and more. It ensures battles are far more than just rolling to hit – they’re tense, tactical puzzles of careful area control and status management, with the interlocki­ng effects creating emergent strategies. When our rogue catches fire and we work out the best way to put him out is for our wizard to attack him with a water wand, I know we’re playing something special. ROBIN VALENTINE

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