Pharmacy Daily

Dispensary Corner


JAPANESE authoritie­s have arrested a homeless man who they discovered living in the loft above a public toilet.

An electricia­n in the province of hsuki discovered the secret hideout while making repairs, with otherwise homeless Takashi Yamanouchi admitting living up there for about three years after gaining access by climbing on top of the toilet stalls and squeezing through a maintenanc­e hatch.

Officers who attended the arrest said the space was “neat and tidy” with a gas stove and electric heater - along with a massive stash of about 500 plastic bottles which appeared to be filled with the squatter’s urine.

Officials said they had subsequent­ly undertaken a search of all other public toilets across the region, assuring the public they were all squatter-free.

A FARMER in NZ suffering from atrial fibrillati­on has caused a sensation by using an electric fence to jump-start his heart.

John Griffin was suffering an episode of AF but got fed up waiting at the local emergency department - so headed home and hooked himself up to the 8000 volt supply protecting his neighbour’s paddocks.

The 69-year-old admitted it gave him a “decent belt” but got his heart beating regularly again.

Medical edžperts have warned against the DIY defibrilla­tion, labelling it as “dangerous”.

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