Pharmacy Daily

Bathing babies


BEST practice for bathing newborns can be a confusing topic, especially for new parents. The fact that recommenda­tions do vary between maternity hospitals and even midwives, makes it all the more confusing for parents. Whilst some hospitals provide bath solution and recommend a newborn bath within the first hours after birth, others suggest no bathing product be used and in some cases, no bathing for the first 24 hours. The Royal Children’s Hospital recommends bathing newborns in plain water and to take care not to remove any vernix (the waxy, white substance present on a newborn’s skin after birth) present on the infant’s skin. After the initial weeks or as required, a bland, unscented product may be used from time to time and for babies with dry skin, bathing several times per week is adequate. To help minimise irritation and the likelihood of an allergic reaction, suggest parents avoid herbal extracts, essential oils and soaps which have a high ph and can upset the skin’s acid mantle. Whilst many health profession­als still suggest traditiona­l-type bath oils which contain mineral oil, parents more frequently want to avoid petro chemicals, parabens, sulphates and propylene glycol and as such, will often ask their pharmacist for advice on the most appropriat­e bath solution for their baby. Parents should be encouraged to research products and read ingredient lists.

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