Pharmacy Daily

“New era” for Gold Cross


THE recent acquisi on of the Guild’s Gold Cross product range by iNova Pharmaceut­icals has been said to usher in a “new era of collabora on that is set to refresh the iconic portfolio”.

Singapore-based iNova acquired the brand along with Skin Basics and David Craig from ASX-listed Probiotec, paying $13.5m in a deal which settled last month.

The Gold Cross range is made in Australia and is exclusivel­y supported and endorsed by the Guild, currently comprising more than 50 pharmacy-only products.

iNova has distribute­d the range for some years, with iNova CEO Dan Spira saying the acquisi on creates opportuni es to “more effec vely adapt and promote” the products.

Spira said the iNova team was currently reviewing and refreshing the range to op mise the portfolio for a new genera on of consumers.

“We want to work with the Guild to re-build the presence of this range in‐pharmacy,” he said, while also flagging the poten al to expand interna onal distribu on of the Gold Cross products.

“We believe the range has untapped poten al in Asia, where there is a strong demand for establishe­d, Australian‐ manufactur­ed brands,” Spira said.

Pharmacy Guild of Australia Na onal President George Tambassis said the deal with iNova was an exciting turning point.

“The Gold Cross range has long been a trusted choice for both pharmacist and consumers alike,” Tambassis said.

Gold Cross Products & Services Pty Ltd is a fully owned subsidiary of the Guild which endorses products and services badged with the Guild logo, which has featured on Gold Cross items since 1962.

Income received by the Guild for the use of the Gold Cross branding will con nue to support the Guild’s actvities in promo ng community pharmacy, particular­ly in developing new initiative­s and expanding the role of pharmacist­s, Tambassis said.

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