Pharmacy Daily

Federal MPs back Guild


POLITICIAN­S of all persuasion­s last night pledged their support for Australian community pharmacy at the Pharmacy Guild of Australia’s annual Parliament­ary Dinner.

A endees included pharmacy stakeholde­rs from across the spectrum, who were addressed in the Great Hall a er a busy day in Parliament by Prime Minister Sco Morrison who expressed his admira on for pharmacist­s.

“You don’t just fill scripts ‐ you look out for fill a gap that no supermarke­t or mega‐mart can ever fill,” he said.

With next May’s Federal Elec on clearly in view, Morrison reminded a endees of the Government’s achievemen­ts on behalf of the sector including elimina ng the sunset clause on Loca on Rules, changing payment arrangemen­ts for high cost drugs and the ongoing commitment to the PBS lis ng of all new items recommende­d by the independen­t Pharmaceu cal Benefits Advisory Commi ee.

The PM also highlighte­d changes to small business taxa on and other ini a ves that will benefit pharmacy family businesses, no ng that all of the measures were only possible because of Australia’s strong economy.

Opposi on leader Bill Shorten also spoke at the event, no ng Labor support for many of the Government’s ac ons such as tax treatment of small businesses and streamlini­ng the GST.

“You really do help bring us together...there is such a high degree of bipar sanship when it comes to community pharmacy.”

More from the Guild Dinner on pages two and three of today’s PD.

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