Pharmacy Daily

PBS key for health - Tambassis


PHARMACY Guild Na onal President George Tambassis last night highlighte­d the key role of the Pharmaceu cal Benefits Scheme, no ng that the dispensing of PBS medicines in Australia was a “very effec ve public‐private partnershi­p”.

Speaking at the Guild’s Annual Parliament­ary Dinner in Canberra, Tambassis noted that the scheme was underpinne­d by the 5,700 “highly accessible community pharmacies” across the country.

He welcomed a endees from across the poli cal spectrum to the dinner, saying “we appreciate the opportunit­y we are given by everyone here to put the case for community pharmacy”.

The Guild President highlighte­d the significan­t contribu on made by pharmacist vaccinator­s to herd immunity through influenza vaccina ons across the country.

Tambassis par cularly welcomed comments by PM Sco Morrison, who noted such interven ons as immunisa ons, work in aged care, mental health and minor ailments.

“I’m a firm believer in expanding this community health care role as part of the spectrum of primary care across this country,” the Prime Minister said, adding “I think there’s a great opportunit­y to create even stronger linkages between pharmacist­s and GPs”.

Tambassis followed up by no ng that pharmacist­s were keen to work to the full extent of their scope of prac ce.

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