Pharmacy Daily

Qld’s Moderna campaign gets started


PHARMACIST­S in Queensland are starting to administer Moderna COVID-19 vaccines (COVAX) today, with close to 80,000 doses allocated to stores across the state.

With the vaccine approved by the Therapeuti­c Goods Administra­tion (TGA) for all Australian­s aged 12 years and older, Brisbane’s Beak and Breusch families were at the top of the line at Priceline Pharmacy George Street, this morning.

Archie Beak, 13, and 12-yearold Tara Breusch (pictured), were the first to receive doses of the Moderna vaccine in Queensland.

Welcoming the rollout of the mRNA vaccine, Pharmacy Guild of Australia Queensland Branch President, Chris Owen, stressed the need for school children to be immunised.

“Increasing­ly we are seeing evidence of younger people being affected by the Delta strain of COVID-19, so it is imperative that children like Archie and Tara are protected along with the rest of the community throughout Queensland,” he said.

“With the arrival of the Moderna vaccine all adolescent­s and adults can be covered.

“This is great news for Queensland­ers and all Australian­s. It’s through vaccinatio­n that we come out of the pandemic - make sure you get vaccinated, and encourage your friends, family and colleagues to get vaccinated too.”

Owen said the Guild had been “blown away” by the number of Queensland­ers accessing COVAX through community pharmacies across the State.

“At 20 Sep more than 75,000 AstraZenec­a doses had been administer­ed through Queensland community pharmacies,” he said.

“Regardless of your age, when you arrive at your community pharmacy, your pharmacist will undertake a health assessment and discuss the risks and benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine.”

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