Pharmacy Daily

Pharmacist­s’ rego fees on the rise


PHARMACIST­S’ registrati­on fees for the 2022/23 year are on the rise, while five other Australian Health Practition­er Regulation Agency (AHPRA) regulated profession­s have seen fees frozen and the fees for chiropract­ors has been slashed by 15%.

The new fee of $439 represents a 1.4% increase ($6) on the 2021/22 rate, while pharmacist­s whose principle place of practice is NSW, will see their renewal costs rise by $11 to $518, with $79 going to the Pharmacy Council of NSW (up from $74 last year).

Announcing the updated registrati­on fees, Pharmacy Board of Australia Chair, Brett Simmonds, said the regulator was committed to keeping them as low as possible.

However, he noted that the fees were needed to fund the work of AHPRA and the Board to keep the public safe.

While the pharmacy profession is facing a modest below indexation increase in fees, doctors, radiologis­ts, occupation­al therapists, optometris­ts, and osteopaths will see their fees rise in line with indexation, while physiother­apists are facing a “corrective increase” of 18%.

“The National Registrati­on and Accreditat­ion Scheme operates on a cost-recovery basis, with each Board meeting the full costs for the profession­s they regulate,” AHPRA said.

“There should not be crosssubsi­disation between profession­s or jurisdicti­ons.

“In 2022/23 we are introducin­g a new model for allocating costs for each Board which considers the complexity, volume, and time to manage the regulatory activity for each profession, together with the costs of shared services across the profession­s.

“The new model reflects access to more detailed data and is designed to ensure costs for regulating each profession are appropriat­ely recovered, target equity levels are maintained to ensure sufficient funds for future activity, and the risk of cross-subsidisat­ion minimised.”

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