Photo Plus

Focal length


It’s common to buy cameras in kits where you get a basic zoom lens with the camera body. This lens covers the focal lengths that are most useful for a wide range of subjects, and often ranges from 18‑55mm. Focal length is basically how wide the field of view is; a smaller number provides a wider view while a larger number offers a narrower view. This makes 18mm ideal for landscapes and 35mm good for a range of subjects, while 55mm is great for portraits and getting a little closer to subjects that are further away.

Your focal length also affects depth of field. See in the above images how background sharpness decreases as the focal length increases.

13 settings for landscapes

If possible, attach your camera to a tripod and shoot after sunrise or before sunset for the best light. Set your camera to Aperture Priority (Av) mode, with the aperture set to f/16 and ISO at 100. Make sure the lens is set to 18mm for the widest possible view, then switch the lens to manual focus. Now turn on Live view (the LCD screen) and compose the image before zooming in to a point that’s roughly one‑third of the distance into the scene, and manually focus. For a sharp shot, activate the self‑timer, then press the shutter button.

14 settings for portraits

Find a location where there’s a fairly clean background a few metres behind the subject. To shoot a portrait, set your camera to Aperture Priority (Av) mode with the aperture set to f/5.6, and ISO at 100 or 400 depending on how bright it is. Now rotate the zoom ring so the lens is set to 55mm. Next, set the focus mode to Single Shot and make sure just a single AF point is active; then, looking through the viewfinder, adjust the AF point’s position so it’s over the subject’s eye. You’re now ready to begin shooting.

15 settings for panning shots

You’ll need to set the lens to 35mm or 55mm, depending on your distance from the subject. Set the camera to Shutter Priority (Tv) mode and use one of the shutter speeds on the right. Set ISO to 100 or 400, depending on the light, then select Continuous AF with the central focus point active. As the subject approaches, track them by half‑pressing the shutter button; as they pass, keep tracking them by twisting on your hips before releasing the shutter and smoothly continuing to track them.

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18mm 100mm 55mm 200mm
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