Photo Plus

Arctic Butterfly 724 Super Bright


£100/$100 www.visibledus­

Here’s an electric brush designed to attract dust away from your sensor via the wonders of static charge.

The brush’s ultra-fine bristles are attached to a rotating shaft driven by a pair of AAA batteries in the handle. Ten seconds of spinning prior to cleaning causes a centrifuga­l force that both ejects dust from the brush, and, with the help of the fibres’ nano-coating, recharges the bristles’ static attraction. Then with the brush stationary again, lightly drag it across your sensor to pick up any loose particles.

A pair of LEDS light your way, which is especially important as you don’t want the bristles to contact areas surroundin­g the sensor, due to the risk of debris or mirror lubricant getting dragged onto the sensor.

Loose dust is picked up pretty well, but the brush doesn’t hold on to particles as reliably as the Speckgrabb­er, making the high price hard to justify.

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