Photo Plus

Focus Point

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- John Marris, via email

The DPP paperchase

I thoroughly enjoy your articles on DPP4, Canon’s photo editing software. I prefer this to either Photoshop Elements or Lightroom.

I first used DPP3 when I purchased the Canon 450D and found that Raw files wouldn’t download in my version of Elements. When I bought the relevant version I noticed that the difference in the images, although slight, were enough to convince me to convert Raw files in DPP and do any further edits in Elements.

The only problem I have found is that DPP4 does not recognize internatio­nal paper sizes such as A3/4/5, which were available as presets in DPP3. It really is a pain to have to use custom settings and insert ‘1.41:1’ and remember which way is portrait and which way is landscape!

When I referred to Canon the reply was to use DPP3 to crop, but of course DPP3 will not accept edits in DPP4 and vice versa!

Maybe your good offices may change Canon’s attitude to printing paper sizes?

 ??  ?? What do you think of DPP – do you agree with John?
What do you think of DPP – do you agree with John?

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