Photo Plus



1 Plan for the light

when photograph­ing cities, it can help to have a plan to maximize the light, especially for the key shooting times around sunrise, sunset, the morning and evening blue hour.

2 Utilize apps

tools such as Google maps and Google earth can help location scouting, while apps such as the photograph­ers’ ephemeris or photopills will help plan the timing of your shots.

3 Recces

try visiting your shooting location at different times of the day. Not only will the scene transform under the different lighting conditions but it can serve as a scouting mission for the later return visit.

4 Transport hubs

photo opportunit­ies are everywhere in cities and transport hubs, such as train stations, are often great sources of both architectu­re and people.

5 Include People

if you are photograph­ing architectu­re try including people to give the building or scene scale and context. Blending architectu­re with street photograph­y can create stunning shots.

6 Avoiding people

if you are shooting in daylight and want a scene free of people then try shooting a long exposure using an ND filter and tripod. as long as the people are moving they won’t appear in the shot.

7 Vantage points

look for different vantage points of the city or scene and try different lenses, compositio­ns and focal lengths to build up a variety of images.

8 Keep shooting

as the light changes so does the scene you are shooting. patience and perseveran­ce can mean your next shot could be even better than the last one. it’s always worth waiting.

9 Shoot with a purpose

set yourself a project to document your local town or city. it will help you focus, improve your techniques and make you appreciate the city you’re shooting like never before.

10 Carry only what you need

avoid the temptation to carry all of your kit. there is nothing more draining than walking around a city lugging a heavy camera bag full of lenses or gear you won’t use.

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