Classic couchplay racer zooms back onto PS4




Before TowerFall and Tricky Towers, our multiplaye­r diet consisted of tiny cars, missiles and powerslide­s past a giant toaster in Codemaster­s’ top-down racing friendship-ender. After taking an 11-year hiatus from PlayStatio­n, Micro Machines World Series sees the franchise skidding back to where it belongs on 21 April, bringing home those split-screen hijinks that make the series so special.

It wouldn’t be a proper Micro Machines without couchplay and this revival supports it for up to four players. However, it’ll be going global in every sense of the word, with 12-player online multiplaye­r added to the mix. Humiliatin­g your friends no matter where they are? Sign us up.

The changes don’t stop there, with World Series adding new modes to the familiar old Micro Machines formula. Chief among the additions are Battle Arenas, Capture The Flag and King Of The Hill. Battle Arena promises all-out warfare rather than races to the finish line, while the other two are teamplay games, which means you’ll have to work with the people sitting on the sofa next to you rather than try to put your hands over their eyes or hit the pause button to wind them up.

Don’t worry though, this isn’t a radical shake-up and there’ll be plenty for returning fans to get misty-eyed over. Areas such as the kitchen, garden and workshop will trigger plenty of memories. And as for the famously diddy motors themselves? There’ll be 12 customisab­le vehicles, each with its own abilities and weapons. With the dual fuel of nostalgia and novelty behind it, we expect a podium finish. There’ll be more on this new batch of mini mayhem in a future issue.

 ??  ?? Ganging up on Ben is going to be even easier now we don’t all have to be in the same house.
Ganging up on Ben is going to be even easier now we don’t all have to be in the same house.

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