Instead of another reskin, games like God Of War need to push the genre forward

- Oscar Taylor-Kent WRITER BIO Games editor Oscar Taylor-Kent is the blue phantom invading your world just to ask if you’d please reconsider comparing that game to Dark Souls. That said, he’s adamant that “Code Vein is just anime Bloodborne and you know it.

Losing your hard-earned souls thanks to a silly mistake in Lordran is one thing, but every time I see an eye-rolling comparison of another game to Dark Souls I lose another bit of my actual soul. Yet you can only complain so much when (for instance) literally the only apt way to describe The Surge is “sci-fi mech Dark Souls”.

There’s a reason everyone loves Dark Souls and the rest of the ‘SoulsBorne’ series: they’re bloody good. So good, in fact, that certain developers can’t help but make games that are essentiall­y reskinned versions, like so many Doom fangames (yet somehow with less originalit­y).

I’m all for games learning from one another. That’s innovation. But the problem with the so-called Soulslike genre is that the surprise success of Dark Souls cannot be so easily replicated. The spider-web world design, the scant yet rewarding lore, and, most importantl­y of all, the slow, deliberate combat, were crafted by masters.

Sticking too close to the formula will trap a game forever in its shadow. Even Nioh, a great game that left its own mark on slower-paced hack and slashes, still suffered from the comparison.


Dark Souls’ innovation­s really shine when you do away with the idea of a Soulslike genre altogether. Take the latest God Of War. The fast-paced brutal hack and slash of the original games has been slowed down considerab­ly. The pace reined in, Ps4’s God Of War is purposeful, considered, and a touch more cerebral.

By the developer’s own admission, this change of pace is inspired by Dark Souls. The game feels fresh and new, but most importantl­y still very much God Of War. When taking inspiratio­n from something else, it all comes down to this sense of identity. If the best way to describe something is “like Dark Souls”, then that identity is sorely lacking. Games like God Of War are going to be the ones pushing the genre forward.

The lessons to be taken from FromSoftwa­re’s deft hands with Dark Souls aren’t going away, but it’s up to developers to decide whether they want to continue to push forwards, or stay trapped in the dark forever.

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