24 D e v i l M ay C r y V V has come too


When it comes to this stylish demon-hunting series, the action has always been the priority.

The stories are invariably cheesy fun, and this latest outing does have some terrific graphics. But a character action game lives or Dante Must Dies on its controls. Happily, DMCV excellentl­y evolves the combat of DMC4, refining both Nero and Dante’s unique fighting systems.

What is more of a surprise is the third playable protagonis­t. Unlike his anime boy pals, with his shabby dark hair, unkempt sandals, and dark circles under his eyes V is a lot closer to us come deadline day. And don’t get us started on his penchant for stopping mid-battle to recite William Blake poetry. Well, be careful who you pick on in middle school, because this is one poetry recital that quite literally summons demonic energy.

Cane in hand, V is less sprightly than Nero and Dante, but his distinctiv­e mode of combat is built around that – he’s not one to leap into the fray. Instead V summons demons and commands them from a distance. In principle they operate in the same way as other combat styles (Shadow is your melee weapon, Griffin your long-range, and Nightmare your Devil Trigger) but you need to shift your perspectiv­e, managing the spacing of each one while protecting V. He still needs to get close enough to finish off the enemies with his cane. It’s like high-speed chess. Somehow the dev team took DMC, which was already distinctiv­e, and added something fresh that feels nonetheles­s completely integral, making an exciting, challengin­g game that was one of 2019’s best.

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