Live your best life in Eorzea


This community has been going strong through a decade that has seen a great calamity, and even the total destructio­n of their game world in 2012. Nowadays the frequent, large-scale community events very rarely venture into similar earth-shattering territory, though they do offer plenty of rewards – unique items, activities, photo opportunit­ies, and many more reasons to get the gang together.

A large part of this MMO’s staying power is down to how welcoming the community is for newbies. When you first make an account, a green sprout by your username signifies to nearby players that you’ve just started your adventure in Eorzea. At the very least, this eases any beginner’s anxiety you might feel, but there are other perks besides. On top of extensive in-game tutorials, you’ll have access to the Novice Network chat channel, where all of your beginner queries can be answered by players who’ve put in the work and earned the title of ‘Mentor.’ Many veteran players are more than happy to take a green sprout under their wing solely for the warm fuzzies the good deed bestows, but they can also enjoy an EXP boost by partying up with novices.

Whether it’s something as small as suggesting a more expedient route between two important locations or fighting alongside you, there’s many a keen player willing to help out. And the best part is that you can play absolutely free up to level 35. If you’ve been on the fence about exploring this realm reborn, now’s the time. You might just make some important allies along the way. Though, if we can offer one word of advice for those wanting to go all-in, a DualShock 4 keyboard is a must.


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