Embrace the frontier life in Pine

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Indie developer Twirlbound’s new game, Pine, could evolve into something very special – literally. Exploring the island of Albamare means living side-by-side with its wildlife, all of which adapt to your actions. Remove a food source and they may migrate, or develop a taste for something new… like a reckless adventurer who keeps nabbing their food.

You’re part of the island’s working ecosystem, so as the island and its wildlife work you out, you’ll need to adapt how you play too. “We all remember the first time we saw a player encounter a very clear example of adaptation at a conference,” says creative director Matthijs van de Laar. “Especially when players try to specifical­ly ‘break’ the AI, and then see it actually adapt, counter and even beat them in some instances, that really brings a smile to our faces.”

 ??  ?? The animals will attack each other as well as you. Here fox-a-like Fexels fight not-so-cuddly Krockers.
The animals will attack each other as well as you. Here fox-a-like Fexels fight not-so-cuddly Krockers.

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