Like an S Club party


Party games, eh? They’re never digital versions of Pin The Tail On The Donkey or Pass The Loot Box. They tend to be, like this one, minigame collection­s. The main problem is that the fundamenta­l setup, pitting people against one another in short and simple competitio­ns, can be difficult to implement in new and interestin­g ways. An admirable attempt is made here, but it doesn’t quite work.

Marooners’ main hook is that a gentle yet firm pressure permeates the experience. This is the game’s one great success. The ‘party’ games have an emphasis on collecting as many coins and gems as possible, while the ‘arena’ ones are about knocking your opponents into bottomless pits or into an environmen­tal hazard. Both types are, essentiall­y, cutesy battle royale platformer­s. Success can only be had if you keep collecting, keep moving, keep getting one up on your opponents.

While Linear mode sees each minigame played to completion before starting the next one, Chaos mode keeps jumping between them, offering tiny bites of several seconds at a time. It’s a good idea, but in practice it exacerbate­s two of the biggest problems: it can be difficult to find your character when a game starts; and all too easy to lose track of them once things get going. 1

There are multiple characters and weapons to choose from and unlock… but they all function identicall­y. The minigames themselves can be a good way to kill a few minutes, but you can easily see everything in the game in less than an hour. 2 Fun now and again locally with friends or family, but ultimately less party popper and more party pooper. Luke Kemp

 ??  ?? FOOTNOTES1 This really deflates the experience. You can die in a split second, meaning no more points in that minigame. Wouldn’t be a problem, but none of the games are particular­ly compelling.
FOOTNOTES1 This really deflates the experience. You can die in a split second, meaning no more points in that minigame. Wouldn’t be a problem, but none of the games are particular­ly compelling.
 ??  ??

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